Tech Support

IT & Software Request Form Landing Page

Software Solutions Support

Report a Bug: Is something acting strange or in a way you didn’t expect? Does the software appear broken? Report it here!
Request a Feature: Have an idea that can make apps better? Or an idea for something brand new?? We want to hear about it - let us know here!
SF License Request: Use this if someone needs changes to their Salesforce access, either a new user or an existing user.
Support Request: Do you have a job or task that Software Solutions can help with? Let us know here!

If you're not sure, please select "Other/Multiple/I Don't Know"

Don't use special characters such as ~ " # % & * : < > ? / \ { | } on your file name.

Please enter the web address URL where you are encountering the issue. (Max 255 Characters)

If you're not sure, please select "Other/Multiple/I Don't Know"

Screenshot, Excel file, etc.

Don't use special characters such as ~ " # % & * : < > ? / \ { | } on your file name.

If you're not sure, please select "Other/Multiple/I Don't Know"

Screenshot, Excel file, etc.

Don't use special characters such as ~ " # % & * : < > ? / \ { | } on your file name.

Requests will be handled by the Software Solutions team on a priority basis. Requests will be reviewed and scheduled by the Project Management team. You will receive an email with an expected due date once the request is approved.
IT Support

Not for uniform requests. To request uniforms, please CLICK HERE.

New Employee

 You will select the specific items needed for the employee on the next page.